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Michael Daly, MAA
Chief Operating Officer
Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer Michael J. Daly, holds a Masters of Architecture, with a minor in Business Administration.
The Interior of the AHC building is the direct result of his architectural experience.
Mr. Daly brings with him extensive experience in sales, marketing, and business development. He has many years of management experience, including Director of Sales for No Mas Productions, a specialty import and export business. Under Mr. Daly’s leadership, they increased their gross sales to over $2 million and expanded not only their customer base but also expanded the business to two locations and added an award-winning restaurant.
As project manager for Lockwood Green Architects and Engineers of Atlanta’s, Client-Gulf Stream of Long Beach California, he was able to double the number of employees and provided the direction to do so more effectively and efficiently within the same office space. During this time, he assisted the company in expanding the scope of the project from $250,000 to more than $ 4 million dollars.
The passion that Mr. Daly brings to the project stems from his own positive experience with the recovery community and his 29 years of sobriety. He has observed first hand, the success of the holistic approach to the treatment of addiction and is a strong supporter of the integrated model of treatment, developed and implemented by the Atlanta Team in Ontario, Canada. This strong belief, combined with his experience in sales and marketing, make him the perfect business development professional for AHC.
As a part of the AHC team, he has integrated his enthusiasm for recovery with his natural sales abilities; to assist the patients by helping them understand the advantages of extending their treatment length of stay, motivate them to become more engaged in the recovery process, thus improving their opportunity for a positive outcome. He has also trained with Professor Murray Kelly and is certified as a Tobacco Healing Specialist.
Outside interests for Mr. Daly include architectural design, urban revitalization, and restoration.
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